Be Safe, Work Safe, Play Safe

All electrical work should be completed by qualified and/or Licensed Electrical Contractors. Licensed Electrical Contractors are the only people in Ontario legally allowed to do electrical work in your home, and failing to hire one could result in injury, death, loss of property, or denied insurance claims.

If you don’t obtain the proper permits or have it installed by a professional, your insurance company has grounds to deny your claim in the chance of a house fire—and faulty wiring is one of the leading causes of residential fires.

Obtain all necessary permits and approvals and be careful when selecting a good contractor to ensure the safety of your work.

Guide to electrical home safety booklet

Download the Lakefront Utilities Guide to Home Electrical Safety Booklet. Developed by Niagara on the Lake Hydro, this guide provides a wealth of information about electricity.

 LUI Public Safety Brochure reduced


207 Division Street
PO Box 577
Cobourg, Ontario
K9A 4L3

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(905) 372-2193


(905) 372-2581


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