Re-Opening Buildings After Prolonged Closure or Reduced Occupancy
When buildings are closed or on low occupancy for any prolonged period, water in the building becomes stagnant and can pose serious health risks. While municipal utilities are responsible to get clean, safe drinking water to each property, it is the responsibility of each property owner to ensure it maintains the safety of that water within their building.
This fact sheet provides reference information and more detailed guidance to safely re-open buildings after prolonged closure or reduced occupancy.

Our commitment
Lakefront Utility Services Inc. provides clean, safe water to residents of Cobourg, Grafton and Hamilton Township. Lakefront is committed to maintaining a high level of trust, commitment and accountability by consistently delivering high quality and safe drinking water to its consumers.
Lakefront’s commitment and accountability is founded by the Quality Management System (QMS) Policy. The QMS Policy states that Lakefront Top Management, Water Department Employees and other staff are:
- Committed to ongoing maintenance and continual improvement of the quality management system;
- Committed to complying with all applicable legislation and regulations (local, provincial and federal); and
- Responsible for ensuring that the QMS is in a form that can be communicated to all Operating Authority personnel, the Owner and the public.
Trust, commitment and accountability is further demonstrated by Lakefront’s proactive, open-minded and transparent approach to the operation of the drinking water system. Lakefront investigates and invests in, where appropriate, methods and technologies to ensure continual improvement of:
- The water treatment disinfection process to ensure production of safe drinking water;
- The distribution infrastructure required to deliver safe drinking water;
- The quality of service provided to our consumers, customers and other stakeholders; and
- Operating in an environmentally responsible manner.
207 Division Street
PO Box 577
Cobourg, Ontario
K9A 4L3
Call Us
(905) 372-2193
(905) 372-2581